At Sunstrong International Packaging Service, our designer and manufacturing teams work with our customers to ensure your product is delivered your way. From box appearance design to material selection, our offer to allow customer ‘customize’ allow us to meet functional requirements while exceeding consumer expectations. We understand the need in the retailing environment – the fight for shelf space, package strength, storage requirements and the way to move box. We offer superior capabilities in manufacturing and design integration to deliver compact packages for our customers.

Our customer-oriented approach allows us to work with our partners to improve the customer experience and ensure consumer satisfaction. With the experience and expertise of our Packaging Solution team, we are ready for your needs.

At Sunstrong International Packaging team, our Application Engineers have the ability to set your product apart.  Utilizing the latest design, decorative and workmanship, we bring innovation and market differentiation to your product. Our innovative manufacturing applications bring efficiency, quality and cost effectiveness to the delivery of your product.
